A City-Building People Who...

Dare to Believe, Dare to Be, and Dare to Do.
New Beginning Covenant Church is a congregation made up of warm, caring and friendly people who love God and all His creation. Our desire is to create an atmosphere where everyone who walks through the door can find joy and comfort from God through His ambassadors here in our family.
The NBCC family works to live out the principles of God's Word through service, worship, education and training, and giving. We believe that the Word of God is true and it is life-changing and hope-giving. We believe that everyone has purpose and we desire to provide instruction and training that will allow every man, woman, boy and girl to discover who they are in Christ and develop their God-breathed potential.
New Beginning Covenant Church embraces the diversity of the body of Christ. Each of us brings our own unique set of experiences and gifts, specifically designed by God to contribute to the building of His Kingdom. New Beginning Covenant Church suggests that not only are all welcome for this grand work, but all are necessary; thus, "One Vision, Many Faces, Building the Kingdom Undivided."
We are a city-building people who dare to believe God's Word, who dare to be that city on the hill shining light in darkness, and who dare to do all that we do through Christ who gives us strength.
We pray you will come and worship with us.